mercredi 13 février 2013

State of the Union Address 2013

In the U.S., the President delivers an annual speech on the condition of the nation and plans or proposals for the future- in the State of the Union Address.

Tonight, President Obama spoke on creating and sustaining jobs for Americans in the States, supporting American companies. The President also addressed the issue of climate change, urging Americans to prevent more damage before it happens. For example, he urged companies and homes to cut energy used in half in the next few years.

As for education, he called for a "Master Teacher Corps" to improve math and science education. President Obama spoke about the housing market as well, encouraging a bill to be passed to help responsible citizens save money each year who are looking to buy a home.

People all over the nation watched the hour-long speech tonight, to see where the President decides to take our nation and the issues and even tragedies which have befallen in recent months.

"We were sent here to make what difference we can."

7 commentaires:

  1. Si Obama juste "pousser" les entreprises, pas de choses va changer. Le congrès ne peut pas adopté les lois vertes parce que le lobbying de les groupes de pressions est trop fort.

  2. Monsieur Obama a eu un grand discours, et il a eu raison. Nous avons besoin de changements maintenant. C'est trés important à mettre les Etats-Unis en le bon route encore. Obama a beaucoup de travail à reussir dans cet role.

  3. Est-ce que les gens francais aiment Obama?

  4. There's big talk about what we should and are "going" to do, but ultimately, Congress and the White House have to act quickly if they are to manage to achieve anything. They say a president's second term is always the most difficult, and Obama's will be no different.

  5. Je pense l'address est très importante, mais l'action est le plus importante. Le president doit changer les choses que il proposer. J'espère le president fait beaucoup de change pour le mieux de les citoyens!

  6. Je suis hereuse qu'un but du gouvernement c'est la réduction du réchauffement climatique. C'est un problème qui est très urgent aujourd'hui, et j'espère que les mesures vont réussir.

  7. I think Obama is a good president and to my mind he already done a lot for his country. But it's true that there is yet a lot of challenges to raise, mainly that the country is like a model for the rest of the world. But, and maybe it's the same thing in France, I believe that the power of the president is weakened by the persons who have money. I have the feeling that the president Obama sometimes can't intervene because of these persons. For example I think it's the case with the weapons problem's.
