mardi 22 janvier 2013

Celebrating MLK Jr.

Across our nation and the world, people celebrate and honor Martin Luther King Jr. in many ways. Service projects, conferences and conventions to discuss equality and the importance of brotherhood in the community and society are just some examples. The Museum of Uncut Funk, an online virtual museum led by curator Sista ToFunk celebrates 1970's Funk, Black art and animation. Recently, the museum creatively featured Martin Luther King Jr. in a post. The post presents exclusive images and sketches from the 1999 educational film "Our Friend, Martin" depicting the advocate for peace in an adventure-story. Check out the museum to find out more about their galleries and blogs.

7 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

    1. Oh, I remember when we talked about MLK's life, what he did and why he is so important man in USA's history last year. I think he was a very intelligent man who fought against segregation and disparities between black and white.

      22 janvier 2013 20:12

    2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.

  2. His speech "I have a dream" touches me, when I heard for the first time . I find in the Obama's speeches Martin Luther king's imprint .

  3. Thank you for your comments! They give us more insight!

  4. With the news inverstiture of Barack Obama it's impossible not to think has MLK and his famous "dream" today accomplished even if there is still of the way for real one equality in the world as well as a world peace!!

  5. I remember in elementary school we would always watch "Our Friend Martin" every February. While film got old really fast, I still have fond memories of all we used to do to celebrate MLK and what we still do today
