dimanche 28 octobre 2012

Qui sont les français? 1er épisode

Dans cette "vidéo du jour", Gad Elmaleh réussit le tour de force de parler du changement d'heure, des français et des textos - soit l'actualité de notre blog.

4 commentaires:

  1. LOL ! I remembered when you told us that only French people say " Euuuuuuuuuuuh " .
    Bad french habits ^^

  2. LMAO ! Gad Elmaleh is the best ! He's my favorite humorist ever! How many times did I watch his DVDs with my best friend ? We knew all the shows (this one especially) by heart! And we were quoting him all day long! *ahh that was such good times* The thing is that he is RIGHT! So right hahaha we're really like this ^_^ I really love him, if only he could come back as a humorist, since now he's really busy with his "actor stuff" ^^ I don't think it will be possible... T_T *crying*

  3. Toujours autant la classe ce Gad !

  4. Vraiment un très bon humoriste ! J'aime beaucoup ce qu'il fait !
