mercredi 31 octobre 2012

Halloween : Gimme my Candy!

Tonight is Halloween, one of the most celebrated holidays of the U.S. And Halloween is mostly about playing pranks and eating candy: trick or treat.
Have a look at Jimmy Kimmel's idea of a Halloween trick!


How does this video show the cultural importance of Halloween to little kids? What is most striking or influential about this holiday, to both parents and kids?

13 commentaires:

  1. Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays in the eyes of children, one because of the candy, and two, because of the costumes. The incentive of candy automatically draws hordes of children to every house. However, during Halloween, they can dress up as whatever they want and maybe live their dreams for those few hours on All Hallow's Eve. For the parents, they get to see their children living their dreams. But ultimately of course, it still comes down to candy :P.

  2. I think Halloween's magic comes from all the costumes and decorations. It's fun to dress up and not have to be your boring self for one night and just have fun like a kid. It's also fun to see scary decorations, but only when you're with friends. Personally, I like giving out candy more than getting candy, but it's fun to run around asking for candy anyways. It takes stress out of your life.

  3. Halloween is an extremely important part of American culture. This video shows how upset the kids get when they are deprived of their candy. It shows that Halloween is something that they look forward to and enjoy. Halloween is a time when we get to express ourselves. We get to dress up and become the characters we depict. It's really fun for children because they find it magical and exciting.

  4. This video shows how important Halloween is to young children, since most of them are completely and utterly devastated to find out that their parents ate all their candy. Halloween is such a major, influential holiday in the U.S. simply because it's an American tradition. Kids grow up trick-or-treating; they can start as early as their toddler years and continue trick-or-treating into their teenage years. As the years pass, they can continue trick-or-treating, this time with their own children. Nearly everyone takes part in Halloween festivities, whether they're out trick-or-treating or staying at home and handing out candy. What's so striking about this holiday is that everyone can take part in it.

  5. Halloween is important to people of all ages, especially younger kids- as seen in this video. Its a day to be creative and express yourself. Halloween is significant to many because its a holiday that has something for everyone- trick or treating, Halloween parties, Haunted houses, scary movies etc. Its a time where you can step into someone (or something) else's shoes!

  6. Halloween has always been a holiday mainly for the kids. Kids always love to use their imagination to live out their favorite stories and characters, and Halloween provides them a chance to do so and get something they love in the process: candy! This is mainly why some people feel that this holiday wears out and becomes childish in older children and adults. Regardless, older children and adults can still partake in the fun, as dressing up and having a good time should never just be restricted to children!

  7. Halloween is definitely one of the most important childhood memories for everyone. On Halloween kids get to dress up as princesses, super-heroes and their favorite TV characters. Many adults use this holiday as an opportunity to dress up and have fun. They go trick-or-treating with their children and claim to grab a candy "for their other kids". Usually parents place a limit to the amount of candy their kids can have. On halloween, however, kids get to eat as much as they want for free :D

  8. Halloween is an important holiday for both the kids and parents. Kids get to dress up as whoever they want,and can get candies from other people. Many parents and adults also dress up and give out candies to kids that ring their doorbell. People love
    Halloween because they can be whoever they want that day, and of course, you can eat as much candies as you want!

  9. The presence of decorations, costumed children, and candy should be enough show that Halloween is a cornerstone of many Americans. Children and adults dress up as supernatural monsters, cartoon characters, animals, and anything else expressing themselves during this celebration. Although there are people that are apathetic or critical of the holiday, it is nonetheless much anticipated as a whole.

  10. This video shows the importance of Halloween. Most kids and some adults look forward to this holiday all year because it is very fun. They get to go door to door and get free candy and they get to dress up in cool costumes. Most children aren't allowed to eat much candy but on Halloween, they get to eat as much as they want! :)

  11. Halloween provides children with an opportunity to dress up and hang out with their friends. It also provides them with an outlet to express their creativity and individualism through various costumes.


  13. Thanks Jason for the sequel! I loved it.
