samedi 20 octobre 2012

Family relationships

Why are family relationships sometimes so difficult?

Here is a British childline that can provide answers.
The video below is an extract from a famous primetime TV series entitled "Scènes de Ménages". The show is so successful that it is running for the 4th season and they are shooting the 5th.

78 commentaires:

  1. I think it's the communication between parents and their kids. Kids don't understand that their parents want their own good and parents don't understand that times are chaning.

  2. Cultural differences and generation gaps make it hard for parents and children to communicate. This problem is especially prevalent for first generation immigrant families.

    1. Why does it show more on immigrant families? :)

    2. Because the parents still hold most of their values from their home culture, but the children have more influences from the new country :)

  3. I agree with Aqdas. I believe that parents ahev the best intentions for their kids, but the kids are often short-sighted in their views and only see what's best for them in their near future. Parents would always want the best for their children even though it may not seem to be :)

  4. I think Annabel is correct in identifying the generation gap. Since culture changes so quickly, parents and children often have different views on issues and can often be at odds. This is why children may not be able to understand decisions their parents make and vice versa.

  5. I think that parents want their children to have what they didn't, even if the child doesn't want that. Communication is important in order for parents and kids to come to a mutual agreement.

  6. I agree with Annabel. As a second-generation child myself, I have experienced the difficulties that accompany a complete divide in culture in family relationships. The customs that the kids grow up with are so vastly different that when their parents try to enact the same regulations that the ancestors have, the kids rebel at such a foreign and preposterous system. I also agree that kids also go through a rebellious stage, and because they cannot see the full picture all of the time, they try to rebel against their parents' judgement which they believe to be wrong from their own interpretation.

  7. I think kids should understand that parents have good intentions. The reason relationships in families may be terrible is not only because kids fail to realize this, but parents fail to realize that kids fail to realize this and assume their kid is just flawed compared to other kids.

  8. I think the gap between parents and their children become bigger nowadays because of the rapid advancement of the society. There are many differences between the views of parents and children because of the environment and the generation they grow up in.

  9. I think that some kids are often so busy that they don't get to see their parents very much and that affects the family as a whole. Also, i agree with Lea that communication is important because without it, there isn't a strong structure to form a relationship.

  10. I think the problem with family relationships is that it is not a relationship that you have by choice, so it isn't necessarily that you are together because your personalities mesh, but also because then so much time is spent together that it can be frustrating. Also parents push their kids to do what they think is best and sometimes their kids don't agree. ;)

  11. The intention of parents may be for the greater good; however, actions carried out for the sake this intention may not be suitable to the current situation. Likewise, although most children may be doing what they think is beneficial, judgements may be brash and illogical. Misunderstanding and tension precipitates when these perspectives clash.

  12. Family relationships may be poor because of misunderstandings. Parents always want the best for their children but many don't believe that this is the case. Sometimes parents don't understand their kids feelings because their is poor communication. If families spend more time talking with each other about problems, they will easily be solved.

  13. I believe that sometimes family relationships are hard because as kids we always listen to our parents and we know that they will take care of us even in the worst of circumstances. But as we grow and we develop our own thoughts and ideas, we try hard to stray from the very principles we grew up under thinking that what we are doing is right. The age and the difference in the times we are growing in is causing a strain on the relationship with our parents. Though both sides, want the best.

  14. I think that families are complicated, especially the ones with multiple kids, because naturally your role is completely different depending on which kid you are. The oldest for example, often feels that he or she gets very little attention and has the most responsibilities, while the youngest one usually feels babied. The middle one, as well, often feels as if he or she doesnt really mean much to their family. So, either way your role will greatly differ from your siblings, which makes it hard for not only yourself, but for your whole family.

  15. The reason family relationships are so difficult, is because of the way the kid treats the situation. The kid can either find a solution to make everything happy, or neglect the situation, and the relationship remains difficult.

  16. Quite often, children don't really understand the important things in life. Without the experience that their parents have, they can often make fight with parents over decisions that may seem appealing at the moment, but will end up hurting them.

  17. I agree with Annabel, especially with firsthand experience. Though I am blessed to have an understanding family, there are certain topics, such as music and political allegiances. Even so, I believe the family bonds often triumph worldly differences, making this special relationship distinct from friendships.

  18. Although parents wish the best for their children, and are always hoping that they will succeed, the relationship between parent and child can sometimes be stressed due to their different views on subjects. I believe that this is due to the fact that children grow up in a different environment and time than the parents, and so are subject to different influences.

  19. I think the reason that there is a difficulty with the relationship between children and their parents is because children and parents don't know how to properly communicate and compromise. When a child and their parent get into an argument, they don't know how to resolve it because they can't come to a mutual agreement about the idea. They have forgotten that they are family and should work together because they all love each other.

  20. Difference in experience growing up is probably the key thing that disconnects families. Parents may grow up outside of the U.S. and move here, where their children are raised. Therefore the children have a completely different childhood as opposed to the parents, yet the parents try to compare their childhood to their own children's despite it being completely different. The speed at which technology has evolved also plays a large portion in the amount of difference in our current daily lives.

  21. I think that sometimes children don't understand that their parents only want to best for them. However, at the same time parents sometimes forget that children lack the experience and knowledge to always make the right choices. It takes communication and understanding in order to make family relationships work.

  22. I think that parents and their children can have a tough time because they might not see eye to eye all the time. I believe that although the parents may know more about life and the outcomes of certain actions, they should let kids do what is necessary to gain experience, which would eliminate some of the problems. It is also important to understand that parents are right and that children need to be able to listen them. The generation difference can also affect the relationship because certain things weren't acceptable then, but is acceptable now.

  23. I think problems in family relationships often occur because of misunderstanding and a generation gap. Parents always try to the best for their kids, but sometimes it is hard for them to see that. Likewise, sometimes kids do things that their parents conceive in the wrong way.

  24. The problem with family relationships is that the parents and children can't understand each other. They are each affected by different social factors and have hard times talking to each other. There are also problems due to stress and school. School puts a large amount of stress and causes lack of sleep on students. This is frustrating and makes it hard to interact with others effectively.

  25. Family relationships are difficult because children struggle in the process of growing up. Without gentle guidance and understanding, family relationships can become strained. A family must learn how to cope with change.

  26. I think that family relationships can get difficult because children and parents see the world through different perspectives. Children want to have fun, and parents just want to make sure that we are always safe. Change is constant in family relationships. In the long run children understand that what parents do or what they have in mind for you is for your own good. As children it takes us a while to realize it, but when we do we are very grateful to have a caring family.

  27. I think the generation gap is a large part in it. The way parents grew up and the way their kids grow up are usually very different, which consequently makes it difficult to understand one another.

  28. Family relationships can be difficult for many reasons. For example family members sometimes have differing opinions- your parents might want a certain thing for you but you might feel differently. Every family has their difficulties but these difficulties can be overcome in the end

  29. Miscommunication in a family is probably what creates problems in family relations. Though relationships between family members are often stressed, it is important to remember that at the end of the day, it is important to overcome these difficulties because your family has good intentions in mind.

  30. I believe family relationships are hard due to three primary factors: time management of the individuals, a cultural gap between generations, and maturity levels. As school and extra-curricular activities take up the majority of 10-17 year old's time, children are unable to spend quality bonding time with and catch up with their families. (For example, I leave for school at 8:00 AM and come back home at 8:30 PM!)I agree with Filip's point that difference in experience growing up creates a cultural gap, complicating relationships. Finally, occasionally, children require guidance and insight from adults and vice versa, but when this communication is hindered, families may have problems.

  31. I think that as it used to be, parents had a hard time understanding their kids, but we've changed sooo much in the past twenty years or so (thanks to the internet, among other things) that the gap between our generations has widened. Parents may be well intentioned, but they need to present their ideas to kids in a way that they can understand, but this requires a degree of closeness and bonding that is dissappearing as we advance technologically.

  32. I think to solve the problems among family relationships, both the older generation and the younger generation need to be aware of each others' different customs. A good way to break this generation gap is to spend leisure time with your family (for example vacation). This way, both generations can have a great time and get to understand each other as equals. Personally, I like to tell my parents about my life as if they are my friends; they understand me better and I trust them more. :D

  33. I believe that family relationships can be difficult because of kids and parents misunderstanding one another. It ultimately depends on how the parents and kids want to approach each other in order to build a stronger relationship. If one kid wants to bond one way, but the parent wants to bond another way, then there won't be anything to spark the bond between the two people. There must be compromise. Technology isn't as much of an issue when it comes to family relationships. Parents can be as much tech savvy as us, just saying.

  34. Problems arise in family relationships when one does not agree or understand the views of someone else. Different viewpoints on various topics such as politics, religion, and controversial topics. A generation gap can also cause major differences between family members and can affect family relationships. However, sharing experiences and viewpoints with one another can ultimately show bonding and unity.

  35. I think that the main reason that family relationships are difficult is because we are around are families so often. it is impossible for people to completely agree on all beliefs and have the same opinions, so in families, the disagreements come out. Also, we are so comfortable with our families, which makes us not feel bad about ourselves when we get mad and into arguments with other family members.

    1. it is verry correct what you think, it's true that always being with the same people obviusly leads to a few arguments.

  36. For me there are two different family relationships, sibling to sibling and parent to child. Bickering between siblings can be the result of differing opinions on a topic or conflicting needs within the family. On the other hand, difficulties in a parent to child relationship can be the result of a generation gap, which leads to differing customs and expectations.

  37. I think family relationships are difficult because adults and kids are very different both in both culture and maturity. The parents always want whats best for their children but sometimes children have other plans or ideas in mind. This often causes a dispute and a strain in family relationships.

  38. I fathom that family relationships are problematic as children comprehend that they know more about the world than their own experienced parents, due to the fact that they believe that they do not know anything about today's world, however, most of the things that children are experiencing their own parents have already experienced. I also believe that a child and his parents personalities can be so alike one another that they can clash.

  39. Growing up as a second generation child, I have experienced the cultural differences prevalent in an immigrant family. Because of the changes in technology and traditions between my generation and my parents' generation, communication between me and my parents can be difficult. As a result, the relationship between parent and child can be strained.

  40. I think that the main reason that problems in family relationships arise is because these days, kids don't have a lot of time for their family. This doesn't allow kids and their families to communicate with each other and can cause misunderstanding. I think it's really important for families to communicate with one another.

  41. A relationship is not perfect without a few difficulties. These difficulties, especially arising from opinion differences and cultural/generation gaps, can teach both parents and their children to be more accepting of others ideas. With society forever evolving, parents often want to hold on to old traditions while children want to be more up-to-date. Hence a clash, but not in vain as different views can build stronger relations.

  42. I think difficulties rise from cultural differences and the generation gap. Technolgy now makes life a lot different form our parents lives when they were our age and I think thats why clahses happen.

  43. The main reason there are arguments among families has a lot to do with how families communicate. Today, kids and parents have different view points on how things should be handled. Parents, like to run things the old fashioned way and sometimes all kids want to do, is the thing that makes them seem "cool".

  44. Parents and kids have different opinions on certain matters. Parents tend to be more old fashioned because they grew up in a time where technology wasn't as advanced as it is today. Parents, no matter what generation, want their children to be close to them. Although one is a parent for a lifetime, the first 18 years of their child's life is really the only time that parents can get to know their child. Although 18 years sounds like a long time, it goes by very fast. Parents want their children to be home to hang out with them, instead of their children constantly going out with their friends. When parents deny requests from their children, arguements and fights can occur which is what causes problems within families.

  45. I think that relationships between parents and their children are difficult at times because it's hard for parents to relate to their children, and vice versa.
    When you grow up in a different environment than the one your parents were raised in, you find that you often don't view things the same way as how your parents do. This can be a source of a lot of conflict within a family, especially if neither the parents nor the children are willing to listen to the other.

  46. I agree with most of what has been said -- in my opinion, the generation gap between parents and children is the source of conflict between family members. Because children grow up in societies with different values than the values their parents grew up with, it can be difficult for parents and children to agree on issues that can be influenced by cultural differences.

  47. I feel that parents today, they try to understand their children, but because of the differences in thought and society, this causes them to not agree on the same things, and this is what contributes to creating conflicts between them. Parents care for their children too much, and teenagers these days focus and prioritize their future the most and what is the best for them although they are too young to make their decisions. Parents just want their children to work harder, and they want what is best for them. Because of the huge gap in the generation, I feel that it is hard for parents and their children to understand each other and look at situations in the similar way, which causes arguments and misunderstandings.

  48. It is the gap between cultures and generations that make things just so difficult. Although my parents are from Afghanistan, I was born here. I am American. I grew up playing baseball and eating apple pie. My dad, on the other hand, grew up working, learning the how to be a man at a young age, and in some ways living "The Kite Runner". Our differences ultimately create a misunderstanding on both sides. I sometimes feel my father needs to loosen up and "Americanize", while he feels like I should be more uptight, work ready, and "Afghan". Of course, the best medecine for this illness is simply just talking it out and coming up with a compromise...but sometimes even that is difficult. It's just life. And I firmly believe that I will eventually have these same problems with my children.

  49. In my opinion, no only parent-child conflicts stem from love for one another, conflicts between spouses are caused by love also. Sometimes the husband tries to tell the wife where not to go because he doesn't want her to be put at risks of dangerous situations,but the wife feels that her freedom is being limited and fights start from little things like that.

  50. I think family relationships can be difficult because the kids and the parents find it difficult to relate to each other and understand each other's thought process. The kids must know that the parents want the best for them but often there is a lack of communication. When people in any relationship don't understand each other and fail to communicate, there's bound to be some problems.

  51. I think family relationships presently can be difficult because there is either a generation gap, or a cultural gap. Some families still haven't found the perfect way to communicate with each other because there are so many rapid changes technologically and socially that not every generation can keep up with. Some may find it harder to adapt to the new changes while others don't, which drives a wedge between people. Also culture shocks between generations make relations hard, because the younger generation may feel frustrated when they have to juggle two different types of traditions and still please everyone around them .

  52. I think that family relationships are difficult because kids and parents are sometimes unable to communicate clearly with each other. This is usually caused by generation gaps or cultural differences. Parents still act they way they were raised in a different country, in a different time and culture. Children often forget this when they cannot see eye-to-eye with their parents and these complicates their relationship. An idea of what is good for the children differs between the parents and the children themselves, so both refuse to see the intentions behinds their actions. All in all, familial relationships are complicated with many misunderstandings but they last because people can talk through their complications and feelings.

  53. I think that family fights and discontent is fine in that through these displays of emotion, families can come to understand each other and grow. It's usually silence that creates family rifts in my opinion.

  54. I think family relationships may be hard to maintain if all members are not willing to put in the effort to understand the others' perspectives. Relationships are give and take - both sides have to contribute equally for the relationship to be successful. If one person is not making the effort, then the relationship will have troubles.

  55. I think familial relationships are so strained sometimes because of miscommunication - either the parents don't make it clear what they want, or the kids are unable to properly express themselves. Sometimes it is the generation gap - the wants of children now are far different from the wants of our parents before. It is true that there are times where one side or the other is to blame, mostly a failure to properly empathize with one another, but most problems can be resolved just by talking it out.

  56. I agree with a bunch of people on here when they say that family relationships can be difficult because of the lack of communication between the child and parents. Because kids are growing up in a completely different time and generation than their parents did, it makes it harder for kids to see eye-to-eye with with their parents. The culture shock between generations crates different views on what is wrong and what is right. Kids and parents have to be willing to listen to what the other person has to say or else there are bound to be problems.

  57. Family relationships are the strongest relationships that we all have, but sometimes we start to kind of take them for granted. We've been around our parents and siblings for so long that we aren't fully appreciative the relationships we have with them. That's my opinion.

  58. Honestly, if you stuck four friends in a house and forced them to live together for 17-18 years, sharing food, money, and everything else, arguments are bound to happen. In our families, as many people above me have pointed out, we are at different stages of our lives and it is only natural for people to disagree. I believe arguments only become unhealthy when people stop looking at the broader picture. We have very different perspectives but we forget that we share the same goals.

  59. While family arguments are perceived to be bad, these arguments actually show bonds within the family. Only when members stop communicating, and therefore stop arguing, does the familial relationship become stagnant and unhealthy. As in every family, arguments will get resolved and progress towards understanding each other will be made, furthering a growing relationship.

  60. I think there are a lot of reasons why family relationships can sometimes be difficult, but a lot of it has to do with the parents only wanting their child to be safe and do well while the child may not pay as much attention to their safety, or they may not realize the impact of their actions. Communication is oftentimes lacking. Furthermore, it could be due to a difference in the type of culture that the parents were brought up in and the type of culture that the children are being brought up in now. Different generations could have different values.

  61. LOL at the video. I personally think that familial relationships are the strangest relationships of all.Despite the lack of communication between older generations to those of newer ones because of differences in values and beliefs,which is present in all families, families still manage to stick together and ,for the most part, solve all problems through proper communication. eventually.
    - It is true that "blood is thicker than water". And in the end, that is the beauty of familial relationships.

  62. Family relationships might be poor because parents are looking out for their child's future and kids dont realize that. Kids often think of things in the present tense and that's why family's don't have very good relationships while the kids are still in high school

  63. It's important to realize the family relationships, both positive and negative, are completely and necessarily natural. Different people in the family are at different stages in their lives. The 37 year old father will inevitably have a different outlook than the 14 year old girl. In most cases, these differences don't cause problems; they only help the development of the individual. Issues usually arise when at least one of the individuals isn't willing to accept the point of view of the other(s). Learning to accept the viewpoints of others and resolve problems through rational thought are invaluable tools for the future. Familial relationships can be positive or negative, but are almost always loving. Euh oui.

  64. I think that family relationships are strained because of a difference in perspective. Because parent and child are at different stages of their lives they see the world differently. What could seem like the most important day in a child's life could be treated as a little event for the parent. Parents have a completely different set of responsibilities and expectations then their child, and sometimes this gap in perspective will cause conflict.

  65. Relationships between parents and children can be very difficult. We all live in a time period where everything is different compared to what our parents have gone through. Their intentions are to help their children, but sometimes it just ends up putting more pressure on the children rather than helping them. Parents need to understand that sometimes giving their child space can be more beneficial for them rather than always interfering in every way possible.

    1. ayaz hi =) I find your point of view very interesting lines, because it is true that parents want success for their children that it is in studies or in obtaining one works. Parents can be very heavy when it comes to have s good marks in studies is that can be a stressor in the child.

  66. Family relationships are difficult because children grow up. They attempt to begin expressing their independence as they mature. Parents are done maturing, and thus do not undergo a change like teenagers do. There thus becomes a disconnect - the child wishes to become independent, while the parent still believes that the child is under their jurisdiction. The resulting conflicts are the fault of both parties; the children must learn to see a balance between respect and independence, and the parents need to understand the difference between ruling and guiding.

    I don't feel that complaints about parents are justified except in the most extreme situations. They care for us more than we can possibly empathize with, and our teenage hormones make us far too angry with them.

  67. Family relationships depend on trust. The trust that the child and parent shares is a bond that should not be broken. If the bond is broken, the relationship no longer exists. The parent would not have any relationship to the child because one another will not trust the other. Family relationships also depend on respect, one of the most important values in humankind. In most countries, respect is everything to adult and child, without it, there is no order or discipline. Todays society yields many difficult family relationships because there is no trust and no respect between the child and the parent.

  68. I think that the most difficult family relationships are when somebody is separated by distance from a family member.

  69. Family relationships are difficult to maintain today because most teenagers do not understand how to put themselves in others' shoes. Parents usually have the best intentions for their children and would do anything to ensure their happiness. Communication is key in any type of relationship, whether it be a friendship,romantic, or even business, people must use communication. I know for me, I am very close with my mom and I rely on her for a lot in my life; We have great trust and understanding for each other. We might not like what the other has to say sometimes, but we respect the other's opinion just the same. It is unfair to say that today's family relationships are spoiled, but i am an example of how it doesnt have to be. Im not saying all will be perfect and it is hard to have respect and trust and even forgiveness for others, but it needs to exist. The way a family views relationships and acts within them can cause major effects on the child for later life. Most of our values originate from our parents and when something important like family is tainted, the child might have a tough time when it comes to other relationships with other people.

  70. I find that family relationships will always have conflicting issues as kids grow up. Its more of a love-hate relationship with the incentive that most teens want to be to be independent of their parents, but in the big picture they can't be independent of their parents. Parents on the other hand have been through this and know what is going on and they try to handle it in the best possible way.
    what I see now in family's is the change in values in different generations. Because of the great change in history, the values of each generation is different from others, and this causes friction in family as the older generation tries to enforce it upon the younger one

  71. It's inherent that family relationships are absolutely necessary. Where in some situations, your friends might leave you, your family will always stay behind you and support your every endeavor. However, sometimes a family isn't closely knit, and it is in these situations where efforts must be made to build relationships that will last for a lifetime.

  72. This series became the appointement of all french families or french people at dinner time! We love it because it reflects our comportment in our relationships. All characters represents one of our family member inevitably! We spend a great time, to laugh instead of watching news on news channels, which are always the same! I encourage you to see this french serie, and enjoy :)
